The Evolution of a Group...

The Freedom Ringers, maybe 1980?
LA Bells
Campanile's first photo shoot as Campanile...
Campanile circa 1989... Harvest Festival
Campanile as seen at Knotts Berry Farm...
First version of the Stand-Up show
Final Version of he Stand-Up show
In Costume for the Educational Show
In rehearsal for the Standup show where we learned that we played "too violently!"
Point of No Return Photo Shoot
Nocturnal Journeys Photo Shoot
Nocturnal Journeys Photo Shoot - Now it's all about dancing...
Rites of Sound Photo Shoot
Rites of Sound - the last show performed in 2006
This page will make a lot more sense when you read the book.
These photos are here for the benefit of the folks who are listening to the Audiobook version.