Campanile offers two short programs for a one-time experience with your students.  If you are interested in bringing Campanile in for an extended residency, we will work with you to design a program that's exactly right for your school. Please contact Rima Greer for more information.

In addition, Campanile has three workshops for ringers available, should your school or community have a handbell group looking for a mind-expanding experience.

Campanile is proud to be on the juried rosters of: Orange County Center for the Performing Arts "From the Center" program "Performances to Grow On", Ventura County, CA "Children's Arts Program", Santa Barbara County, CA

Our short school program is:

*Oh No! It's Campanile's Pop Quiz Show!*
A wild barrage of 20th century music, from movie and tv themes to classics by Henri Mancini. Tons of Q&A about music, history, science, and vocabulary, and 7 kids get to come up and play some bells. K-12.
50 minutes

Required stage size 25X20
1 microphone and PA
6 performers

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Last updated: 1-20-04
© Copyright 2003 Campanile and Above the Line Productions