Campanile has created its own record label which is
distributed through Above the Line Records.

Farewell Performance
After 20 years of continuous touring, world renound handbell theatre artists, Campanile, gave their final performance at the Madrid Theatre in Los Angeles, after which they celebrated and gratefully retired.

This DVD documents the final performance of this groundbreaking partnership of artists who had a lasting and transforming effect on the art of ringing around the world.

Unlike most handbell concerts, this performance is a complete story, presented in music, spoken word, and dance.  In addition to the ringing Instruments, Campanile performs on woodwinds, electric bass, violin, keyboards, percussion, voice, and even didgeridoo. 

Also included in this DVD presentation is a glimpse behind the scenes.  This rare rehearsal footage shows the collaborative nature of their work.

DVD -- $25

NJ Live Don't miss this exciting performance by world renowned ringing theatre group Campanile, captured live at the CSUN Performing Arts Center. Shot with handheld cameras, "Nocturnal Journeys Live" gives you the experience of being right on stage with Campanile. 

DVD includes: 85 minute show, Two bonus tracks, Commentary track, Scene selection

Click here for more information and full size pictures!

Nocturnal Journeys is a voyage of the mind. We invite you to let the music take you into a place we sometimes only reach in our dreams: a mystical world of imagination and imagery. Campanile blends bells, chimes full orchestra and percussion for a completely new and original sound. This CD debuted in the top 10 of the New Age Voice international airplay charts.

Click here for a sample from Campanile's top 10 CD Nocturnal Journeys

CD -- $15

White Chocolate Just a taste of Campanile. This single features two cuts form Nocturnal Journeys ("Au Jardin du Roi des Lapins" and "Wings Through Twilight"). Don't miss the bonus cut, "I Dream of Chocolate", Campanile's a cappella treat!.

CD -- $5

In response to overwhelming demand, Campanile presents all of those concert favorites in a live setting. Tracks include Classical Gas, Pink Panther, Wipe Out, Batman, and Tequila

CD - $15

Temporarily out of stock - available June 2003

In Concert
Campanile's full length show shot live on multi-camera broadcast quality video.

85 mins

VHS - $25
Point of
No Return
Campanile goes New Age, combining bells, percussion and synthesizer for a smooth, spooky, soothing sound. Tracks include Rumeurs, Spiral Dance, Behind the Waterfall, Edward Scissorhands and a host of Campanile originals.

CD - $15
Cassette - $12

ORDER FORM - click here for an order for you can print out then mail or fax directly to us,
or e-mail to have an order form mailed to you.


Be the first on your block to wear a brand new...

Nocturnal Journeys T-shirt!

With Campanile's Tiger from the cover of it's Nationwide Sensation album on the front and Campanile's logo and signatures on the back. Black with metallic gold print, 100% cotton in L or XL. Only $15 plus shipping.


Selections from Campanile's shows (and other excellent handbell
compositions and arrangements) can be purchased as sheet music at
Above the Line Publishing.

E-mail us at:
for an order form to order by fax or mail.

For more information about Campanile drop us a note!

Click here for Home

Last updated: 1-23-04
© Copyright 2003 Campanile and Above the Line Productions