Campanile Members:
(left to right)
Terry Halvorson, KatRyn Howell (kneeling),
Rima Greer (standing)
,  Kris Wildman. Roger Bowerman,

Campanile is Musical Percussion Theatre, fusing the arts of bells, dance and theatre into a unique contemporary art form. 

Unlike traditional music ensembles, particularly in the field of handbells, Campanile operates much like workshop theatre, blending the creative visions of its partners, rather than the vision of a single artistic director.  It is the combined talents of its partners that has allowed Campanile to break the bonds of traditional ringing, and to create a completely new form of musical theatre.

Campanile has five recordings and two videos, as well as publications of special arrangements and original works available through Above the Line Records.  Their last album, "Nocturnal Journeys", debuted in the top ten of the New Age Voice international airplay charts.

Campanile has performed in countless cities throughout: New Jersey, California, Arizona, Washington, Pennsylvania, New York, Oregon, Idaho, Michigan, Minnesota, Texas, Kansas, Indiana, Rhode Island, Nevada, South Carolina, Illinois, Maryland, Virginia, West Virginia, Missouri, Wisconsin, Ohio, North Carolina, Massachusetts

Campanile has also had the pleasure of performing in Canada and the Republic of China, including the National Concert Hall in Taipei.

Roger Bowerman has been playing bells since he was 14. He was asked to join a group of ringers and when he saw the room was full of pretty girls he said "Yes!" in a big hurry. Not coincidentally, Roger is married to fellow Campanoid KatRyn and they have four very musical children. Roger serves as group producer, philosopher, spokesperson and technical supervisor.


Rima Greer started playing piano and composing at age 4. She dumped it all at 12 to study dance and spent the next many years of her life as the last swan on the left. She returned to her musical ways upon retiring from the dance world in her early 20's when her old friend, Campanoid Kris, invited her to join brand-new Campanile.  Rima spends her scant leisure time with hubby Scott, and  serves as group composer and choreographer

Kris Wildman is not only an indispensable member of Campanile, she is also  a founding member of the a cappella vocal trio HeartFire, and on occasion sings principal soprano roles with the national Gilbert & Sullivan touring company Opera a la Carte. Kris lives with her cat, Golda, and spends her leisure hours with her significant other, Jeff. Kris serves as Campanile's acting coach, music librarian, properties mistress, and wardrobe mistress.


Terry Halvorson began with Campanile as a "swing" player, and became a lead performer in Campanile's world tour of "Nocturnal Journeys".  He has now created the "Trickster" role in Rites of Sound, and recently moved into the position of Music Director. Terry spends the rest of his time performing with orchestras and woodwind ensembles. Terry is single, and will readily admit to being a Trekker.



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Last updated: 3-17-06
© Copyright 2004-2006 Campanile and Above the Line Productions